[Day 1]: Mummies Guide to Making Broth!

To describe the steps to prepare a bioreactor
To prepare the media for seed culture and scale fermentation
To prepare the seed culture for scale up fermentation

1. Media for Seed-Culture and Scale-up Fermentation

Before we actually begin the fermentation process,
we have to prepare the media for which the cells will be
grown in, the same way you cannot swim in a swimming pool
if there is no water inside. Also, unlike us, cells “eat”
the media, so we have to make sure that the media
has the necessary ingredients for their
“all their nutritional needs”
*Baby milk powder advertisement voice*.

1. Prepare 2.0 litre of Luria-Bertani Medium (LB),
which is used as both seed-culture and fermentation media.

Recipe of LB (Luria- Bertani Medium)
1. Bacto-trytone 10g
2. Yeast extract 5g
3. NaCl 10g
4. dH2O 1000ml
5. pH 7.5

In order to get ready the medium for usage, at least 2 liters have to be prepared.
100ml of the medium is transferred to a 500ml shaker flask and
the rest was dumped into the bioreactor.
Both the flask and the fermenter are autoclaved for 20 minutes.
Once they have cooled to 50°C, ampicillin is added to the final medium and kept at 4°C.
(The reason why the ampicillin [it is an antibiotic] doesn’t kill the bacteria that
you’re trying to grow is that it has a the ability to resist the ampicillin.
Thus, the ampicillin would only kill any OTHER bacteria that you’re growing)

Indeed, these cells that we grow are very much like
the little toddlers that bring us so much joy and frustration.
The same way we have to throw their milk bottles into
steaming vats of boiling water, the bioreactors have to be autoclaved
(this means they’re put into a really, really hot place. I mean REALLY hawt.)

4. Add ampicillin to a final concentration of 100mg/ml
(both seed and fermentation media)
after the broth has cooled to below 50°C.

2. Bioreactor Preparation Steps

1. Calibrate the pH electrode using electrode
using standard buffer solution
(pH 7 and pH 4 or 9 depending on the culture).

2. Install the pH probe, pO2 probe, foam and
level probe into the top plate.

3. Connect the addition agent lines for acid, base and antifoam.
Check the levels in the storage bottles.

4. Install other accessories such as exhaust condensers, air inlet and
exhaust filters and manual sampler unit.
Check that the water jacket is filled with water.

5. Prepare for sterilization:
i) Disconnect all cables except the temperature probe,
which is autoclavable.
ii) Clamp all silicone tubings except for exhaust filter and
female STT coupling of sampling unit.
iii) Cover all filters and sockets with aluminium foil
to protect from condensing moisture.
iv) Autoclave with steam at 121°C for 20 minutes.

6. Polarise the pO2 electrode for at least 6 hours.
Calibrate it by aerating with nitrogen.

7. Connect the addition lines to peristaltic pumps.
Switch to “Auto” or “Manual” control appropriately.

We have spoken.

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Ernest Lai

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