[Day 2] Seeding! The bacteria that can produce the product we want is first removed from the freezer. It is then grown on a selective plate (LB/AMP/Ara). “Ara” is short for Arabinose, a monosaccharide that is used as a carbon source for the organisms that we wanna grow. A selective plate allows only the bacteria with the properties we want to grow, as well as to exhibit special properties if they have the genes that we insert into them. Once they have been incubated for a day, a few colonies are selected and transferred over to the flask with the 100ml LM medium. This flask is then left at 32°C for one day so that the colonies that have been put inside the flask can grow. 1. Collect pGLO transformed E.Coli from the freezer. 2. Streak on a LB/Amp/Ara plate with 100mg/ml of ampicillin and arabinose 0.2% and incubate it for 24hrs. 3. Streak colonies of pGLO transformed E.Coli from LB/Amp/Ara plate, and transfer them to the flask containing 100ml LB medium with ampicillin. 4. Place flask in shaking incubator and incubate at 32°C We have spoken.
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